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논문 목록
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2024.07Characterizing the Tumor Microenvironment and Its Correlation with cDC1-Related Gene Expression in Gastric CancerJournal of Immunology Research
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2023.102달 동안 지속되는 복통과 설사로 내원한 43세 남자대한내과학회지
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2023.08Removal of an intraosseous hemangioma of the frontal bone through an anterior hairline incision: A case reportArchives of Craniofacial Surgery
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2023.08Pharmacological Prevention of Ectopic Erythrophagocytosis by Cilostazol Mitigates Ferroptosis in NASHINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2023.04Six-Transmembrane Epithelial Antigen of Prostate 4: An Indicator of Prognosis and Tumor Immunity in Hepatocellular CarcinomaJOURNAL OF HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2023.01A Standardized Pathology Report for Gastric Cancer: 2nd EditionJournal of Gastric Cancer
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2023.01A standardized pathology report for gastric cancer: 2nd editionJournal of Pathology and Translational Medicine
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2022.11Comparison Trial between I-SCAN-Optical Enhancement and Chromoendoscopy for Evaluating the Horizontal Margins of Gastric Epithelial NeoplasmsGut and Liver
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2022.11Expression of HLA class I is associated with immune cell infiltration and patient outcome in breast cancerScientific reports
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2022.07Cerebral Microangiopathy Mimicking a High-Grade Glioma in Old Age: A Case ReportBrain Tumor Research and Treatment
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2022.01A Case of Biphenotypic Sinonasal Sarcoma Found in a Young Woman’s Nasal Cavity대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2021.11Successful induction treatment of bullous pemphigoid using reslizumab: a case reportALLERGY ASTHMA AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2021.11두개저까지 확장된 측두하악관절의 윤활막 연골종증의 희귀 증례대한치과의사협회지
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2021.10Association of Galectin 9 Expression with Immune Cell Infiltration, Programmed Cell Death Ligand-1 Expression, and Patient's Clinical Outcome in Triple-Negative Breast CancerBIOMEDICINES
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2021.07전두하 및 비강에 위치한 신경초종 1례Journal of Rhinology
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2021.06Necrotizing myopathy presenting as congestive heart failure and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias: A case reportEuropean Heart Journal - Case Reports
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2021.06Transcriptomic Landscape of Lower Grade Glioma Based on Age-Related Non-Silent Somatic MutationsCURRENT ONCOLOGY
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2021.06Follicular Occlusion Triad: A Case ReportJournal of Wound Management and Research
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2021.05Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors arising from pancreas head and peri-splenic area mimicking a malignancyAnnals of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2021.04Metastatic gastric cancer of the testis diagnosed through urine cytology Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2021.04The Prognostic Impact of HER2 Genetic and Protein Expression in Pancreatic Carcinoma―HER2 Protein and Gene in Pancreatic Cancer DIAGNOSTICS
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2021.03Jejunal atresia due to heterotopic pancreatic intussusceptionJournal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2020.01Conversion Surgery in Metastatic Gastric Cancer and Cancer Dormancy as a Prognostic Biomarker Cancers
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2019.06Prognostic implication of ABC transporters and cancer stem cell markers in patients with stage III colon cancer receiving adjuvant FOLFOX-4 chemotherapyOncology Letters
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2018.03Benign Intraductal Papilloma without Atypia on Core Needle Biopsy Has a Low Rate of Upgrading to Malignancy after ExcisionJOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2017.09EGFR or HER2 inhibition modulates the tumor microenvironment by suppression of PD-L1 and cytokines releaseONCOTARGET
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2017.07Systemic inflammation is associated with the density of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment of gastric cancerGASTRIC CANCER
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2017.03MicroRNA-222 Expression as a Predictive Marker for Tumor Progression in Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast CancerJOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2017.03Mesothelin Expression in Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Its Relation to Clinical OutcomesJournal of Pathology and Translational Medicine
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2016.01Gastric-Type Extremely Well-Differentiated Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach: A Challenge for Preoperative DiagnosisJournal of Pathology and Translational Medicine
국내전문학술지(KCI등재(후보))2015.03Malakoplakia Affecting the Umbilical CordJournal of Pathology and Translational Medicine
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2015.02Cytologic Features of Pigmented Atypical Meningioma Mimicking Melanoma on Intraoperative Crush PreparationsDIAGNOSTIC CYTOPATHOLOGY
국제전문학술지(SCI급)2013.08High Proportion of Granzyme B plus Intraepithelial Lymphocytes Contributes to Epithelial Apoptosis in Helicobacter pylori-Associated Lymphocytic GastritisHELICOBACTER